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Switch to Elevo Care

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What is Short Term Accommodation, including respite?

Short Term Accommodation, including respite, is support for when you need to live out of home for a short period.


Short Term Accommodation funding can be used for respite to support you and your carers. This gives your carers a short break from their caring role.


Sometimes a short stay away from home:

  • gives you the chance to try new things

  • can be a place to make new friends or develop new skills

  • may help to maintain your current living situation by giving your informal supports a break.


Short Term Accommodation may suit your needs if your usual support network isn’t available for a short period. 


Short Term Accommodation includes:

  • personal care

  • accommodation

  • food

  • activities you and the provider agree to.


Usually the NDIS fund up to 28 days of Short Term Accommodation per year. You can use your Short Term Accommodation funding flexibly. For example, you might want to use it in a block of up to 14 days at a time or for one weekend a month.


The NDIS fund standard rates for Short Term Accommodation. You can find the rates in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits .


Generally funding is for a group price, unless there is evidence you require individual support because of your disability. This means you may share supports with other people unless you need individual support because of your disability.


If you already have funding in your Core budget, you can use this for Short Term Accommodation.


You can choose to use your Core budget on a range of supports like Short Term Accommodation to suit your needs. You should think about the best way to use your budget to pursue the goals in your plan.




© National Disability Insurance Scheme Agency 2013

Who we support

Elevo Care provides quality person-centred disability support to people of all abilities and ages.


Our mission is our commitment to provide high quality, person-centred continuity supports to Participants, enabling them to continue to rise up and achieve their individual goals.


We support individuals with:


  • Vision impairment

  • People who are deaf or hard of hearing

  • People with mental health conditions

  • People with intellectual disability

  • People with acquired brain injury (ABI)

  • People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • People with physical disability

Circle of people

Switch to Elevo Care

We'd love to hear from you and discuss how we can help you, ensuring you are at the heart of everything we do by creating an individualised and personalised care plan based on your desires and supports needed.

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Registered NDIS Provider | Registration ID: 4-ITZ5FN5

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